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Changzhou Keteng Textile Co., Ltd was founded in September 2002, specializing in raw cotton trading. The company's business covers all kinds of Inland Cotton, Xinjiang Cotton and Import Cotton, with the support of Resource Development Department, Business Assistance Department, Financial Investment Department and so on. With most cotton textile mills in textile industry center, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong, as the main clients, Keteng has established a stable and qualitied-service network in the nationwide, and planned to expand our cotton business to the whole Asian region.

The main business of Keteng is to provide target customers and partners with first-class cotton products and reliable after-sales service, advanced industry information and risk control system, excellent business platform and suitable business model.

Through providing various of advanced service, instead of simply buying and selling, Keteng provides the clients and partners one-stop integrated services, which can help them be able to win challenges that are coming soon.

It is believed that company’s growth and development are closely related to the development of society and industry. Keteng committed to manage our business with philosophy and culture. Sustainable development of China’s textile industry and simultaneous growth with our partners are always our greatest goal and the necessary elements to success. Keteng will do the best to serve our customers and the textile industry with the professional knowledge, and strive to shoulder the responsibility of the enterprise and the historical mission of the industry.

Our own request-- courage, fortitude, kindness and wisdom.

Our goal-working hard to make Chinese Textile industry be the world leader position.

14F ECO Business Plaza, No.66 East Guanhe Road, Changzhou ,China

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